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Butter Tree Seeds (Madhuca longifolia)


A multipurpose tree that is very important to the local economy, supplying a range of foods, medicines and other commodities. It is commonly harvested from the wild and is also often cultivated in the tropics. The tree has occasionally been planted as an avenue tree and is often planted to provide shade.

Habitat Margins of tropical and subtropical forests at elevations up to 200 metres in Nepal. Deciduous forests and dry sal plain forests. The tree is usually found scattered in pastures and cultivated fields in central India.


Cultivation Details

A plant of the subtropics to the hot tropics, where it is found at elevations up to 1,200 metres. Able to resist some frost, it grows in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 2 - 46°C. It grows best where the mean annual rainfall is between 550 - 1,500mm. Requires a sunny position. Prefers a deep loamy or sandy-loam soil with good drainage. It also occurs on shallow bouldery, clayey and calcareous soils. Established plants are drought resistant.


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