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Cutting Size : 5" - 8" Inches

Whether grown as a potted accent plant indoors or out in the garden during warm months, Zanzibar Croton is sure to be a conversation piece. The narrow, multi-colored foliage adds incredible color and textural interest to any location. A great complement to flowering annuals in the landscape or plant near dark-leaved plants for a striking contrast.

Perfect for all kinds of containers. Makes a nice windowsill plant. May be displayed outdoors in warmer weather. Wonderful for combination plantings.

Plant Feed
Every two weeks with mild liquid fertilizer.

Keep soil evenly moist.

All-purpose mix.

Basic Care Summary
Keep soil evenly moist and fertilize regularly. Mist frequently. Keep away from drafts. Dust or wipe off leaves for best display.

Zanzibar corton cuttings, Codiaeum variegatum

PriceFrom $12.50